Baby Update
Two weeks ago I measured two weeks ahead at my doctors appointment. This
concerned both me and my doctor so he scheduled a growth ultrasound for last
Friday to check on Paige. It was a long week and a half until Friday. Finally
the day arrived and my first appointment of the day was my Non-Stress Test.
Paige has passed both of these tests so far with flying colors. This child can
MOVE! In fact, she moved so much that we were there slightly longer because she
kept moving away from the heart monitor. Silly girl. I did the test with an
abnormally full bladder (because I had to guzzle 32 oz. of water an hour before
the ultrasound) so I had a couple strong contractions during the NST but nothing
to worry about. I somehow made it to the elevator to go up 3 floors for the
ultrasound. What is it about ultrasounds that they are always running behind?
I had to wait another 10 minutes holding my full bladder before they took me
back there. (If you're wondering why I keep bringing it up, try drinking 32 oz
of water and see how you feel in an hour...then imagine a baby inside of you
sitting right on top of your bladder and kicking it repeatedly. It's not fun.)
Finally, we entered the ultrasound room and they began to measure the baby. She
measured just over 1 week further along than she's supposed to be...but still
within normal range. Paige is just going to be a big baby it seems. We also
had them double check to make sure we're having a girl. There's definitely no
mistaking that one. After being allowed some relief I was taken back to the
exam room for my weekly Dr's appointment. He was concerned that my sugars are
kind of all over the place. I was concerned as well because I've been feeling
like there was no rhyme or reason to them. After some talking I was put on some
medication (not insulin) that helps metabolize sugar. I am hoping that this
medication will help me to feel a bit more in control and keep Paige from
getting bigger than she needs to be. At this point we're looking to induce
around 39 weeks. So, I have roughly 5.5 weeks to go. I'm getting excited and
nervous at the same time. Luckily, Love has the next week off so we are going
to work on setting up and organizing everything for Paige's arrival. I think
once that is done, I will feel a bit less stressed. Here I am at 33 weeks:
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