Goals: February and March Update

I'm proud to say that even though my life has drastically changed again, I have still been working on my 28 goals. Since January I have completed 3 of the 28. I know I didn't post my goals on here for February and March, but I did assign them. Here's how I'm doing so far.


#9 Replace porch light bulb: DONE! My fabulous Home Teachers ended up replacing it after they asked me if there was anything they could do for me. The light bulb had been broken for months and the metal piece was still stuck in the socket. Even though I didn't do it myself, I did allow some great people to help me out. (This goal wasn't assigned in January, but it was completed in January.)

#7 Read 100 books: Sadly time has not allowed me to stay on top of this goal. At this point I have only read 2. I am currently working on my 3rd. The year is not over. Maybe Summer and some road trips will allow me some more reading time. For now I will continue to do what I can.

#3 Exercise regularly: I'm proud to say I am on my 3rd week of exercising 6 days a week using the P90x program! It is hard, but I'm loving it! I feel stronger already and also really enjoy exercising with Love. This goal is one I want to keep up with for my lifetime, so I will update on it regularly throughout the year.

#13 Sing full voiced as often as possible: I'm doing much better on this, but could definitely sing more often. I'm thinking of maybe getting involved in Church choir or something. We shall see. :)

#8 Take more pictures than last year: I try to pull my camera out more often than I was and am doing better. However, I know I can do better than I am, so I'm still working on this one.


#2 Decide where to live: DONE! I have a life, a house, great friends, and (once again) family here. As much as I miss my family and friends in New Mexico, I feel like Utah is where I'm supposed to stay. At least for now.

#19 Pray Morning and Night (at least): I'm doing great on evening prayers and have been for a couple months. Still working on morning prayers. It's mostly that I procrastinate getting out of bed until I'm running late...

# 6 Potty train Zoe: I'm failing miserably at this. Mostly because I just don't even know where to start! Any ideas??

#12 Play flute 2-3 times per week: I haven't even attempted to start this one. Will probably refocus on it in April.


#4 Learn to overcome some of my OCD tendencies: I'm still working on this one. I am doing much better in some areas and terrible in others. I don't think I'll ever be able to stop the thoughts that rush through my head when things aren't how I think they should be...but I'm learning to ignore them a bit better.

#18 Read scriptures daily: DONE! I have been reading my scriptures daily for a couple months now. I have noticed a calmness about myself, my family members and in my home since doing this so I plan to continue. Also, I have enjoyed learning more about the gospel and gaining greater knowledge of the scriptures.

#22 Drink 64 ounces of water daily on a regular basis: Exercise has me drinking this amount or more on most days...but not every day. Still working to be better. I DID cut out soda though!!!!

Stay tuned for April's goals and future updates!

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