It's time again for Five Minute Friday. Where we just write without worrying if it's perfect. Please click over to The Gypsy Mama for the rules and join in!
Today's Prompt is: On friends...

"Friends are the family you chose" is a quote I often like to use. They are the people you can not speak to for ages and when you get together it's just like you were never apart. They are the people you can depend on to support your decisions and call you out on your crap. The people who can tease you about your faults and you know they aren't judging you.
Friends aren't tied to you by blood (well not always), they are tied to you by a genuine love and care for you and an interest to continue the relationship. How beautiful is that? Your friends, your true friends, are in your life because they love you and they want to be around you. How many people on earth can you truly say that about?
I'm so grateful for all my friends, the ones who have been around since childhood all the way through to the ones I just met. I know you are all in my life for a reason. I cherish you and I am so grateful for your friendship!
I have also met many wonderful friends over the Internet through blogging. Their love and support has held me up in many times of trial. If you read this blog, please take a moment to introduce yourself to me and everyone else. I would love to get to know you better. Or, just tell me your favorite things about your friends!
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